Barnes & Noble Ft. Worth, Texas

Hot White Peach tea and a snickerdoodle cookie from Barnes & Noble in downtown Ft. Worth, Texas, never tasted so good on a frigid day in January! I told the staff that it wasn’t necessary to double cup my tea because I had an insulated cup sleeve to protect my hands.


Perry and I arrived the day before a dangerous ice storm hit the area. The day after the storm, I explored Ft. Worth.


I walked through Trinity Lake Duck Park across the street from the hotel. It was so cold, only the ducks were out!


I walked carefully on the sidewalks trying to find a path that wasn’t icy while vehicles tried to stop and start at traffic lights. Parked vehicles were covered with ice. My nose, cheeks, and ears turned red!


In December 2008 on an earlier trip to Ft. Worth, we explored the city with our friends in windy, cold temperatures. We enjoyed watching the cowboys herd the longhorns which they do twice a day.


The longhorn was very patient while having his photo taken with Irene and Mary!

This longhorn didn’t seem to mind the cold. For all you humans, I strongly recommend taking a warm coat, mittens, scarf, hat, long johns, and your Kup Kollar for hot beverages. You’ll be more comfortable in Ft. Worth’s bitter cold temperatures during the winter months!