July 4th Celebrations: Lids for mixed drinks

Thinsulate insulated Music Krescendo Kup Kap on margarita glass.

Thinsulate insulated Music Krescendo Kup Kap on margarita glass.

On the 4th we visited friends for dinner. After eating delicious foods cooked by Perry and Mary, we moved to the deck. Kup Kaps came in handy to keep windy dust and flying insects from taking a dip in our drinks!


We relaxed as the evening sun set behind the Rocky Mountains. We watched a crew set up fireworks very close by on the golf course next to their home.


We saw the lights turn on at the Air Force Academy nestled at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Soon after the sun disappeared, the show began!

July 4th Celebrations – Post 2 of 2

Post 1. Wraps for drinks on the deck