Exploring the streets of Boston, MA

Thinsulate insulated Golden Notes Kup Kollar on 24 ounce water bottle.

Thinsulate insulated Golden Notes Kup Kollar on 24 ounce water bottle.

I use three pieces of equipment for exploring cities – my camera, comfortable shoes, and an insulated cup sleeve on a drink container filled with ice water. The Kup Kollar keeps the water cold and condensation off the contents in my purse.


While sitting on a bench to people watch, I saw a lady slowly pushing her walker along the side of the O'Neill Federal Building. After rounding the corner, she headed toward the front doors. A security guard came out, talked briefly with her, and went back inside.

Shortly, he returned with two more security guards. The guards seemed to be questioning her and trying to be helpful. The Social Security office is in the building. They may have wondered if she was lost.

After a couple of minutes, the lady raised her hand toward the guards, and I heard her say loudly, “I’m tired! I just want to sit on my walker!” The guards politely smiled and went inside. Rested, she pushed her walker to the bench next to mine. When she sat down, I introduced myself. Jean has lived in Boston many years and enjoyed telling me some of her experiences as a resident.


These buildings show a time when city buildings had a look of their own in color, architecture style, and size. 


Boston June 15-21, 09 1197 Mounted Unit horse_72.jpg

While walking in the Boston Common area, I saw this handsome horse. He's a member of the Park Rangers Mounted Unit. I watched a park ranger untie and walk the horse to a trailer behind a large truck. It was feeding time!


This isn’t a squared-eyed alien peering through the trees. It’s the gold dome on the Massachusetts State House.


One cool, rainy afternoon I walked along the waterfront on Causeway and Commercial Streets. I discovered hybrid tea roses growing in the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Garden in Christopher Columbus Park. The roses have a slight tea scent and long stems with a single large bloom. The flowers made me yearn for a hot cup of rose petal tea!