Koffee Kompanions French press tea cup cozy koozie covers

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Jury Duty is an important responsibility for American citizens

Early on a Monday morning I went to the county courthouse for a jury duty summons. The large room was packed. After we checked in by name, we had to fill out a form and answer questions.

A judge spoke to us about how juries were selected and for what kinds of trials. Then we listened to rules of the day by a lady who worked behind the counter. Last we watched a television presentation about responsibility and what is expected of jurors who are selected. 

Thinsulate insulated Hawaiian Coral Kup Kollar on a OXO Strive Propel 16.9 ounce water bottle. 

I came prepared for the waiting to see if I was called to a courtroom. Iced water and snacks in Tupperware are essentials!

I love my OXO Strive Propel Bottle (16.9 Oz) because it’s leak proof. I can toss it in the tote bag upside down and know the contents will stay dry. I slipped on a Thinsulate insulated Kup Kollar to slow the ice melt.

Along with a book of short stories by Alice Munro, I had a knitting project for entertainment. 

After long lines of people formed to fill juror requests by four judges, the rest of us were dismissed at noon. So Perry and I went to Over Easy in the University Village shopping center on North Nevada Avenue for brunch! Yummy!     

Thinsulate insulated African Inspirations Kup Kollar on a 16 ounce iced tea.