Koffee Kompanions French press tea cup cozy koozie covers

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Store-bought and hand-knitted items for gifts and charities

Thinsulate insulated Red Ribbons (AIDS Awareness) Kup Kap on mug. 

My daughter-in-law became my knitting teacher about twelve years ago. I soon learned that knitters are one of the most charitable groups on the planet. Men and women, young and older, are passionate about their craft and love to give their works to others. One stitch at a time, they turn colorful “string” into beautiful clothing and accessories to bring warmth and smiles to those in need.

A mug filled with a hot beverage will stay hotter, longer with a Kup Kap lid on it. So no need to reheat and interrupt those knitting fingers! 

Thinsulate insulated Camouflage Kup Kollar on a 16 ounce hot take-out cup.

Do you know a soldier, photographer, or hunter who needs a camouflage knitted hat? Pair it with a camouflage Kup Kollar for a functional fun gift!

Thinsulate insulated Kolorful Asian flowers Kup Kap on latte mug.

Do you know people who take their favorite brew with them into the bathroom for their morning routine? A colorful cotton knitted washcloth is a soft luxury for them. Also give them a Kup Kap to keep flying hair, cosmetics, or cat hair (if allowed in the bathroom) out of their mug! 

Thinsulate insulated African Inspriations Kup Kollar on a 16 ounce hot take-out cup.

Color coordinated with any purse or bag, a Kup Kollar wrap becomes another fashionable accessory for your stylish friends!

If you aren’t a knitter, attend a craft gift show or shop the Mall for knitted items to pair with Kup Kollars and Kup Kaps!