Koffee Kompanions French press tea cup cozy koozie covers

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Tea mug and cup cover - Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN - Chasing Rainbows Museum

Thinsulate insulated Garden Floral Kup Kap on 12 ounce Dollywood mug.

I use my Garden Floral cup cover on the beautiful mug I bought in the Dollywood gift shop. I pour my favorite hot tea into the mug then cover it with my insulated cup lid to hold in the heat while my memory takes me back to Dollywood and the shop.

I chose this mug because it’s glitzy with butterflies. Dolly is well known for her sparkle and shine saying, “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”

I saw butterfly replicas all through Dollywood. Butterflies represent freedom and beauty to Dolly. She enjoys the loud colors, gentleness, and movement of the insects. When she was a child, she followed butterflies from one flower to another. She often got lost and her mom would have to look for her!


There were framed photos of Dolly with celebrities in the Chasing Rainbows Museum. Some of you will remember actor Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum in the TV series “Magnum, P.I. Or you may know Mr. Selleck as Monica’s doctor boyfriend in “Friends”.


Many of her costumes are displayed. Dolly quote, “I'm no natural beauty. If I'm gonna have any looks at all, I'm gonna have to create them.”


This colorful quilt was sewn in 1974 by Aunt Dora Valentine. It’s made from Dolly’s costumes.


Dolly Parton is the most honored female country performer of all time. On the CMT Artists web site, it takes five paragraphs to list her awards. Along with winning many awards, she’s also won many hearts throughout her life.

Dolly says the statue of her standing on the courthouse lawn in her hometown is her “greatest honor because it came from the people who know me.”


Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN Post 4 of 4

Post 1. Singer Dolly Parton

Post 2. Spotlight Bakery and Sandwich Shop

Post 3. Exploring the outdoors