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Trader Joe’s ice-cream fan finds cozy container wrap

From a new customer who really “gets it” about our unique Thinsulate insulated wraps for ice-cream containers. That’s kool!

"Hi. I searched on Google for ice cream container cozy. The others I found, like on Etsy and Ebay, were crocheted. The Thinsulate insulation on yours was the top selling point though I liked the choice of designs also. 

I became recently addicted to Trader Joe’s Mint Chip ice cream. For the first time in my life, I started eating ice cream right out of the carton and using a towel wrapped around it because of the coldness. Then last Friday when I bought a new supply, there was a lot of ice cream dribbled over on the sides of the cartons and I wondered if there were cozies for ice cream cartons, hence my Google search. 

Can’t wait to get them. Once warm weather comes, the Thinsulate insulation will come in especially handy. 

Cindy, Minnesota

Denver, Colorado is very excited about having a new Trader Joe’s in their beautiful city!