Koffee Kompanions French press tea cup cozy koozie covers

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Recyclable cup wraps and sleeves for Earth Day April 22

Thinsulate insulated Recycle Kup Kollars on 16 ounce hot and cold take-out cups.

Earth Day promotes awareness and appreciation for our planet. It’s a day to ask what you can do to help protect your environment. By using a recyclable cup sleeve, you save trees and don’t add to our huge landfills. Wrapping napkins around take-out cups or using a cardboard wrap doesn't have the same effect. If you tell your friends about recyclable cup wraps, you help even more to protect our planet.

From Jennifer in Wisconsin: “Thank you! The cup wrap I ordered is a gift for my boyfriend and he will love them.  He hates the fact of wasting paper coffee sleeves and how many trees get chopped down to make them so it is the perfect gift!”


Thinsulate insulated Words of Friendship Tea Tabard on teapot and Kup Kap on cup&saucer. 

If you use coffee cozies, tea cozies, and cup lids to keep your drinks hot, you won’t have to keep reheating your drinks. That means you save electricity.


Thinsulate insulated Coffee Drinks Kup Kollar on 16 ounce glass. Koffee Kozee on a pitcher of iced coffee. 

Put Thinsulate insulated coffee or tea cozies on your pitchers of iced drinks and cup sleeves on your cold glasses. The ice cubes won’t melt as fast. You save water because you won’t have to add ice to keep your drinks cold.


Thinsulate insulated Kream Kollars - Sherbet, Lady Bugs & Daisies, Snowflakes on Green..

Using an  insulated wrap on pints of ice-cream save trees because you won’t wrap paper towels around the carton to protect your fingers from the cold!