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Celebrate National Oatmeal Month with Oatmeal Clay Dough

                                                                                                                              Wearing the hats of mom, school teacher, and school volunteer, I’ve mixed a lot of play dough and clay over the years, but this recipe from KinderArt was new to me. I brewed a cup of hot tea and whipped up a batch. I tried to make a VW bug but ended up with a cat! After the clay dried, I used felt tip markers to add color. Making oatmeal clay dough is a fun activity for teaching children about the nutritional value of oatmeal!

Oatmeal Clay Dough

1 part flour

2 parts oatmeal

1 part water

Mix ingredients. Add more flour if dough is too sticky. Form into shapes and let them air dry. Pieces can be painted or colored with felt tip markers when dry.